
Kazang Prepaid Botswana has partnered with Botswana Life to "Take payments to the People". The initial launch will be for one product (Mosako) that is a Funeral / Life Insurance policy aimed at the "Financially excluded" population of Botswana. Kazang's footprint and rural reach ensures access to this market.

Premium Collections

Premium collections for Botswana Life works in the same way as any DSTV or electricity payment. A users ID number or policy number is entered and the details of the policy that the user wants to pay for, is returned. In some cases more than one policy might be returned. The customer confirms and makes the payment. Please see the process below.


Customers can also walk in to any Kazang Vendor and request a referral submission. In this case, the customers details are collected and entered onto the Kazang device and sent through to the Botswana Life Call Center, who will contact the customer and conclude the policy. See process below.