All Kazang vendors in South Africa, Namibia, Botswana and Zambia can either upgrade or downgrade DSTV Zimbabwe packages directly from their Kazang device. This makes upgrading and downgrading your package so much easier and by offering this service, our vendors' shop becomes a destination for customers seeking the service that we provide, thus increasing foot traffic and sales. 

Even though our vendors are not actually making a sale, they will still earn 1% commission on the total value of the transaction, ultimately adding to their revenue stream. 

Providing this service is just another way that Kazang helps to set our vendors apart from their competition and gives them a competitive edge in the market. 

How to vend

Escalation Matrix

It is always important to know who to send escalations to, and who we escalate to is always dependent on the type of query. 


Type of queryEscalation point 
DSTV subscription queryDSTV 
Kazang device error If not able to resolve within your department then we escalate to Kazang technical Support
Not sure how to solve a query? Operations technical support will help with anything you are unsure about. If they do not have the information readily available, they know which stakeholder to reach out to for which kind of error and will source the information for you.